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Answers: Paramedic


  1. A pregnant patient suffering from edema, hypertension and increased muscle tone is likely suffering from:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is preeclampsis


  2. A radio's squelch should be adjusted:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is every time the radio is turned on


  3. The most common cause of airway obstruction in the unconscious victim of an unwitnessed collapse is:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is tongue


  4. Which drug is used as both an anti-arrthmic and an anti-convulsant?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is phenytoin


  5. The preferred site for intraocceous needle placement in the field is:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is proximal tibia


  6. A 35 year old male on bedrest got up and suddenly develoiped chest pain and severe dyspnea. His lung sounds are clear and equal. What do you suspect?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is pulmonary embolism


  7. A patient presents with vomiting, headache, and yellow vision. The monitor shows rapid atrial fib with frequent PVCs. The patient states that she takes a heart pill. She is most likely suffering from:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is lanoxin toxicity


  8. While administering 6 liters of O2 to a COPD patient, the patient suddenly becomes apneic. You should:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is begin assisting ventilations with a BVM


  9. A patient with a history of seizures is most likely to take which medications:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is dilantin and phenobarbitol


  10. Bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy without pain is most likely:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is abruptio placenta


  11. Treatment of neurogenic shock should include:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is oxygen, IV, PASG, consider vasopressors


  12. A 30 year old unconscious patient has an obstructed airway unrelieved by abdominal thrusts. The next therapy would be:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is direct laryngoscopy


  13. Vasopressors may be indicated in which type of shock?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is neurogenic


  14. A patient receiving a unit of blood begins complaining of lower back pain, substernal chest pain, dyspnea and a headache. What do you suspect?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is hemolytic reaction


  15. A patient complaining of chest pain who is showing multifocal PVCs on the monitor should be treated with:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is 1mg/kg lidocaine bolus


  16. The paramedic should know that the administration of nitrous oxide?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is should be self administered by the patient only


  17. For every unit of blood lost in trauma, how much crystalloid must be infused?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is three times the amount


  18. Which drug is a parasympathetic antagonist?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is atropine


  19. A patient who is listless, slovenly, unkempt, is most likely suffering from:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is depression


  20. Which of the following is NOT an endpoint to the administration of procainamide?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is QRS narrows by more than 50%


  21. A patient who is suicidal usually:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is tends to feel isolated


  22. Which of the following solutions is hypotonic?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is 045% NSS


  23. A heat exhaustion patient is suffering from what type of shock?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is hypovolemic


  24. A normal, head first delivery is termed:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is cephalic


  25. What hormone is secreted by the female posterior pituitary gland and causes lactation and the contraction of the uterine smooth muscle?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is oxytocin


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