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Answers: Paramedic Quiz 7


  1. The physician orders 8 mcg/min of isuprell for a 70 kg patient. You put 2 mg in 250 mls of D5W. What is the rate of microdrips?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is 60 gtts/min


  2. A person who acts in a less developed form of behavior is demonstrating:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is regression


  3. If a rescuer inadvertently increase rate and depth while ventilationg a patient is may result in:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is hypocarbia and respiratory acidosis


  4. You are treating a 35 year old male who was the driver in a MVA. He is complaining of chest pain and shows steering wheel imprints on the chest. Lung sounds are equal bilaterally. Patient is hypertensive but has bilateral decreased femoral pulses. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is dissected aorta


  5. In a normal person, respiration is triggered by:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is CO2 level


  6. Which injuries have the lowest priority in the field?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is spinal injury and open fractures


  7. Initial therapy for a child with a high fever, drooling, and anxiety is:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is humidified O2 by mask


  8. Ecchymosis over the mastoid bone is called:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is Battle's sign


  9. What would you NOT use in neonatal resuscitation?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is a high flow O2 by demand valve


  10. Catecholamines are:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is sympathomimetic


  11. How do you know your treatment for shock is effective?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is blood pressure rises


  12. A drug with predominantly alpha effects will cause:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is vasoconstriction


  13. Hypopvolemic shock produces:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is increased preload


  14. A 5 year old is leaning forward, drooling, stridorous, feverish, and has pain on swallowing. He most likely has:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is epiglottitis


  15. Which area reflects the central venous pressure?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is right atrium


  16. The patient who is decorticate will move his hands and arms:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is toward the body


  17. A drug with beta effects will cause:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is increased heart rate


  18. Which is the correct placement of the paddles for defibrillation?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is cardiac apex and below clavicle, right of sternum


  19. The effective action of acetylcholine is:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is parasympathetic


  20. The danger of thrombophebitis is that a clot may break loose and travel to the:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is lungs


  21. What do you call a coarse rub or bark on expiration?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is rhonchi


  22. The most significant problem resulting from hypoglycemia is:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is damage to the brain cells


  23. By what process does a solute move through a semi-permiable membrane?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is diffusion


  24. A diabetic with hypertension who experiences numbness of the left arm for 30 minutes has likely had:
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is transient ischemic attacks


  25. You put 1 gm of lidocaine in 250 mls of D5W. You are told to administer 2mg/min. How many gtts/min is this?
    Your answer:
    Wrong. The correct answer is 30 gtts


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