9- A&P - Define:

Caudal - towards the feet

Cephalic - towards the head

Cytoplasm - liquid of the cell inside the cytoplasmic membrane and outside the nucleus

Sagittal - another term for midline

10-A&P - Use the picture below.  List the structure and define its main purpose

A - ribosomes - protein factory

B - smooth endoplasmic reticulum - produces lipids and carbohydrates

C - Rough endoplasmic reticulum - robosomes attach to rough.

D - Lysosome - digestive system of the cell

E - Mitochondrion - Adenosine triphophate powerhouse

F - Plasma Membrane - boundary of the cell, marker proteins attach

G - Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - produces lipids and carbohydrates


11-A&P - List the three types of tissues in the body and give one example where in the body it is found.

Epithelial - glands, digestion, outside skin

Connective - fat, cartilage, bone

Muscle - smooth, skeletal, cardiac

Nervous - electrical signals, neurons

12-A&P List the 6 main types of joints.

plane or gliding - saddle, hinge, pivot, ball & socket, ellipsoid

13-A&P - Muscle contractions are labeled as isometric and what is the other one?

14-A&P - What is the difference between afferent diversion of the nerves.

afferent sensory to CNS and efferent sensory CNS to body.

15-A&P - What is the purpose of the liver?

iron metabolism, plasma protein production, detoxification of drugs and matter.

16-Pathophysiology - Intracellular fluid (ICF) is found inside all body cells and accounts for 40% of total body weight. Extracellular fluid (ECF) is the fluid found outside the cells and is further divided into intravascular and interstitial compartments.  ECF accounts for 20% of total body weight.  Interstitual fluid accounts for about 15% to 16% of total body weight.

Define the following: numbers 17 thru 25

17 Solutes - substance

18 Solvent - Fluid

19 Osmosis - flow of fluid from low concentration to high concentration

20 Hypertonic - cause cells to dehydrate

21 Hypotonic - cells burst or swell

22 Diffusion - molecules move from high to low

23 Active transport - substances move again the concentration. low to high. Energy

24 Facilitated diffusion - moves substances in or out of cells from higher to lower. No energy

25 Hypokalemia - low potassium

Are the following electrolytes positive or negative?

26 - Potassium +

27 - Calcium +

28 - Magnesium +

29 - Sodium +

30 - What does this mean? Resp Alkalosis

¯CO2 + H2O ® ¯H2CO3 ® ¯ H+ + HCO3-

31. ¯H+ + HCO3- ® ¯H2CO3- ® H2O  + ¯CO2 Metabolic Alkalosis

32. ­CO2 + H2O ® ­H2CO3- ® ­ H+ + HCO3- Resp Acidosis

33. ­H+ + HCO3- ® ­H2CO3- ® H2O  + ­CO2 Metabolic acidosis

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