Course closure information

Towards the end of the class many things happen at once.  This is to help guide you through the process.

Final Exam: All students will take the final exam starting at 6pm and will have the entire class to complete the exam.  We will grade the exam that night and allow students to see what they missed. 

bulletIf you enter the final exam with a 78% or better GPA then all you have to do is complete the final exam with an 80% or better to pass and successfully complete the fire rotation.  Congratulations you passed.
bulletIf you enter the final exam with a 78% or better GPA on the final you have to retake the final exam.  If applicable: Any clinicals and/or rotation will be placed on hold until you pass the program. If you do not  pass the second exam you have the following 2 options: 1) Walk away. 2) Transfer into the next course for $800.00.
bulletIf you enter the final exam on probation with a GPA of less than 78% you only have one attempt to pass the final exam and bring your overall final GPA to a 78% or better.  If you do not  pass the final exam you have the following 2 options: 1) Walk away. 2) Transfer into the next course for $800.00.

Once you pass the exam complete the  “course wrap-up” link which is located on your class schedule on the exam date.  This will provide further information on National Registry testing, turning in paperwork and nametags, etc..

Your final GPA and scores will not be updated within 48 hours of completion of final exam.

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