As you look at these problems ask yourself if it is normal or abnormal.  Then plug the abnormal findings into the chart.


Using the chart what rhythm is it?

1. Regularity        Irregular

Rate                    Atrial 75    Vent. 75

P wave                Uniform and upright

PRI                      .16 

QRS                    .10


2. Regularity        Regular

Rate                    Atrial 275    Vent. 62

P wave                Sawtooth

PRI                      Cannot measure

QRS                    .08


3. Regularity        Regular

Rate                    Atrial 0    Vent. 70

P wave                Cannot see

PRI                      Cannot measure

QRS                     .10


4. Regularity        Regular

Rate                   Atrial 0    Vent. 180

P wave               Cannot see

PRI                     Cannot measure

QRS                    .18


5. Regularity        Irregular

Rate                    Atrial 80    Vent 50

P wave                Uniform and upright

PRI                        .14, .18, .20

QRS                    .10


6. Regularity        Irregular

Rate                    Atrial 70    Vent. 70

P wave                Change

PRI                      .16

QRS                    .10


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