Online Quiz 8



    On-line Paramedic Quiz 8


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    Answer the questions below and then click "submit" to send your answers.


  1. Depolarization is the :

    Your answer:
    recovery of the cell
    electrical stimulus results in defibrillation
    electrical stimulus moves throughout the cell and results in cardiac muscle work
    the cell will not respond to strong stimulus


  2. Principles of restraining patients include all of the following EXCEPT:

    Your answer:
    free the restraints after the patient displays rational behavior
    restrain all extremities
    have adequate numbers of people
    restrain as a last resort


  3. In AV junctional rhythms, the P wave is inverted because:

    Your answer:
    the pacemaker is in the left atrium
    atria are depolarized simultaneously
    atria are depolarized spontaneously
    atria are depolarized retrogradely


  4. You started an IV in the external jugular. As you attach the tubing you note blood pulse back up into the tubing. You will:

    Your answer:
    attach a blood filter
    Tape the IV in place, clamp the tubing and start another
    D/C the IV, withdraw the catheter and apply pressure for 5 minutes
    slow the IV to TKO rate


  5. In lead II what are you reading?  (Bipolar leads what is ground, neg and pos)

    Your answer:
    -RA to +LL
    -LA to +LL
    +RA to -LL
    -RA to +LA


  6. Ischemia is defined as:

    Your answer:
    a lack of oxygen to the cells
    lack of CO2 to the cells
    deficient iron supply
    deficient blood supply


  7. Defibrillation of an infant requires:

    Your answer:
    5 joules/kg
    1 joule/kg
    200 joules
    2-4 joules/kg


  8. In tension pneumothorax the patient has:

    Your answer:
    tracheal deviation toward affected side
    tracheal deviation away from affected side
    over inflation of the lung
    ruptured spleen


  9. R on T phenomenon may result in:

    Your answer:
    supraventricular tachycardia
    premature atrial contractions
    atrial fibrillation
    ventricular fibrillation


  10. Tension pneumothorax causes:

    Your answer:
    lack of blood return to the atria
    pulmonary embolism
    cardiac tamponade effect


  11. A 60 year old patient with a-fib develops signs of CVA. This is probably due to:

    Your answer:
    pulmonary embolism
    cerebral embolism
    cerebral hemorrhage
    cerebral thrombosis


  12. A 27 year old male involved in a MVC is complaining of chest pain. You would treat this patient as having a(n):

    Your answer:
    pulmonary embolism
    angina attack


  13. For how long may you interrupt CPR to intubate?

    Your answer:
    45 seconds
    5 seconds
    10 seconds
    30 seconds


  14. You suspect a patient is having an MI. You base this on:

    Your answer:
    opinion of base hospital physician
    Hx of the acute illness
    appearance of patient
    vital signs


  15. Which statement is true of suicides?

    Your answer:
    most give no prior notice of what they will do
    many have a history of psychiatric illness
    women are more successful than men
    many suicides isolate themselves


  16. A woman watches her husband and son die in a domestic disturbance. She appears paralyzed, but no injury is found. What is she likely suffering from?

    Your answer:
    conversion hysteria
    psychogenic shock
    neurogenic shock
    post-traumatic shock


  17. A 20 year old male fractured his leg one week ago. He has taken aspirin for pain. He gets up and becomes short of breath. He probably suffered a(n)

    Your answer:
    acute MI
    pulmonary embolism
    angina attack


  18. A patient who is pacing, anxious, and blaming himself may be suffering from:

    Your answer:
    conversion hysteria
    subdued mania


  19. What is usually true in GI bleeding?

    Your answer:
    duodenal ulcer is most common cause
    never dark red in color
    peptic ulcer is most common cause
    never bright red in color


  20. What is described as the movement of a substance across the cell membrane against the osmotic gradient using energy?

    Your answer:
    active transport
    facilitated transport


  21. Which of the following is an emetic?

    Your answer:
    ipecac liquid
    ipecac syrup
    activated charcoal


  22. 100 mls of 2% lidocaine contains how much lidocaine? (Kind of sucks but try to research this one)

    Your answer:
    2000 mg
    200 mg
    2000 mcg
    20 gm


  23. To secure the airway in a trauma patient, you should:

    Your answer:
    use only an oropharyngeal airway
    place an EOA and hyperextend the neck
    place an ET tube putting the head in a sniffing position
    place an ET tube while your partner maintains in-line immobilization


  24. An infant with one leg burned on both sides has what percent of body burned?

    Your answer:


  25. A 30 year old female has just taken 100 tablets of Tylenol. What should you administer?

    Your answer:
    60 mls ipecac syrup
    30 mls ipecac water
    30 mls ipecac syrup
    50 gms activated charcoal

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