Rhythm What is abnormal?  Plug it in!!!!
Sinus Rhythms P's upright and uniform to pick these rhythms
Normal Sinus Rhythm v rate 60 to 100
Sinus Brady v rate < than 60
Sinus Tach v rate > than 100 until you cannot see the P waves
Sinus Arrhythmia R to R's Slightly irregular
Atrial Rhythms P waves are abnormal
Wandering Pace Maker R to R's Slightly irregular and P's change
Atrial Flutter

A rate 250 and 350. P's are sawtooth/picket fence

Atrial Fib Irregular R to R, A rate > than 350. P's are wavy
Atrial Tach (SVT) Cannot see P's and v rate > than 150.
Junctional Rhythms P waves inverted or absent (located before, in or after the QRS)
Escaped Junctional Rhythm v rate of 40 to 60
Accelerated Junctional v rate of 60 to 100
Junctional Tach v rate of 100 to 180
Ventricular Rhythms QRS measures at or greater than .12
Ventricular Tach V rate of 100 to 300
Ventricular Fib Ventricles are chaotic and fast
Idioventricular No P's and V rate of 20 to 40
Asystole No activity and leads are on pt.
Heart Blocks Extra P waves
1st degree Everything normal but the PRI is constant and > than .20
2nd degree type 1 The PRI consequently gets progressively longer until  dropping a QRS. Saying "PRI gets longer, longer, longer, drop one type 1.
2nd degree type 2 Extras P waves but PRI is constant
3rd degree PRI has no pattern