Complete the following and submit within 24 hours of missed class.

Student ID#;     
Enrolled Class (ex: MedicMay2009, EMTNov2009):

Date of Missed Class: Check One: Tardy    Absent

Explain reason for missing class.  If it is a personal matter and you do not want to expand write PERSONAL ISSUE:


Paramedic Policy:

6.11.1 Didactic phase:

1. The student will be allowed to miss up to 30 hours of scheduled time. Absences that exceed this will be cause for expulsion. If a student is absent for a quiz a zero will be recorded in the grade book.  If student is absent for an exam the student must contact the School prior to the scheduled exam start time to make notification and reschedule the new exam time.

a. If a student should miss a lecture due to absenteeism, it will be his/ her responsibility to acquire the information and handouts from fellow students.

b. The student will be held accountable for the information and skills presented during their absence.

c. A written explanation of the absence must be submitted on the next working day to the Center.

EMT-Basic Policy


Unexcused Absence – Students are allowed up to eight hours of classroom absences before being placed on attendance probation.  Any additional time missed may result in dismissal from the program. When a student is tardy or absent it is required that within 24 hours an e-mail must be sent  to the school explaining the cause for the tardy or absence.

Unexcused Tardy – Students are allowed up to four classroom tardies before being place on attendance probation.  Any additional time missed may result in dismissal from the program.  A tardy is defined as arriving to the classroom/instructor after the scheduled start time.  If the student arrives more than 45 minutes late or leaves more than 45 minutes late they will be marked absent (4 hour blocks).  The student may still participate in the remainder of the current sessions activities.  It is the student’s responsibility to bring to the instructors attention the moment they arrive.  A courtesy call to EMTS would be appreciated to notify us of your delay.  The number is 972-527-3687.

Major Exam Make Up - If student will miss an exam they must contact the school prior to the start of the class to schedule a time to take the exam.  Must be completed within 24 hours of scheduled exam for class unless approved otherwise by program administrator.

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