Example of word |
Example of word |
dent ▪ o |
denture |
proct ▪ o |
proctology |
cardi ▪ o |
cardialogy |
gloss ▪ o |
glossectomy |
abdomin ▪ o |
abdominoscopy |
derm ▪ o |
dermatome |
cost ▪ o |
intercostal |
esophag ▪ o |
esophagospasm |
appendic ▪ o |
appendicitis |
ren ▪ o or nephr ▪ o |
renin enzyme |
pharyng ▪ o |
pharyngitis |
tympan ▪ o |
tympanic |
laryng ▪ o |
laryngiospasm |
gingiv ▪ o |
gingivitis |
splen ▪ o |
splenic arch |
rhin ▪ o or nas ▪ o |
rhinoplasty |
enter ▪ o |
enteritis |
bronch ▪ o |
bronchitis |
col ▪ o |
colonectomy |
carp ▪ o |
carpal tunnel syndrome |
cerebr ▪ o |
cerebral palsy |
gynec ▪ o |
gynecologist |
arteri ▪ o |
arteriolitis |
glyc ▪ o |
glycogen |
encephal ▪ o |
encephalitis |
- opia |
presbyopia |
neur ▪ o |
neurosurgeon |
my ▪ o |
myocardium |
hepat ▪ o |
hepatitis |
oste ▪ o |
osteoblast |
calcane ▪ o |
calcaneus |
necr ▪ o |
necrosis |
femor ▪ o |
femoral |
pne ▪ o |
bradypnea |
crani ▪ o |
cranial nerves |
phag ▪ o |
phagocytes |
lumb ▪ o |
lumboabdominal |
hyster ▪ o |
hysterectomy |
gastr ▪ o |
gastric lavage |
trache ▪ o |
tracheostenosis |
pod ▪ o or ped ▪ o |
podiatrist |
ot ▪ o |
otitis |
Example of word |
Example of word |
brady - |
bradycardia |
trans - |
transplant |
tachy - |
tachycardia |
- ostomy |
tracheaostomy |
dys - |
dysuria |
- logy |
EMTSology |
peri - |
peripheral |
poly - |
polyuria |
hyper - |
hyperactive |
- oma |
carcinoma |
necr ▪ o |
necrosis |
a - |
atypical |
cyst ▪ o |
cystitis |
epi - |
epidermis |
path ▪ o |
pathology |
- otomy |
colotomy |
lys ▪ o |
lysosome |
scope - |
otoscopy |
hemi - |
hemisphere |
plast ▪ o |
neuroplasty |
endo - |
endocardium |
- algia |
myalgia |
hypo - |
hypothermia |
- ectomy |
hysterextomy |
ab - |
abduction |
- itis |
tinitits |
- centesis |
paracardialcentesis |
- megaly |
Splenomegaly |
proctitis |
endogastritis |
- itis |
hemiglossal |
hysteropathy |
dermatalgia |
myopia |
esophagoscope |
hepatolytic |
nephromegaly |
splenopathy |
tympanitis |
otocyst |
gingivectomy |
osteopath |
rhinorrhea |
watery discharge |
lumbocostal |
bronchoplasty |
cranioplasty |
carpopedal |
necrolysis |
cerebrotomy |
podalgia |
arteritis |
hypopharyngeal |
encephaloma |
dyspnea |
neuroplasty |
tachypnea |
epicardium |
apnea |
afebrile |
Fever |
bradyphagia |
polyalgesia |
colitis |
gynecology |
perienteral |
tracheostomy |
transabdominal |
abdominocentesis |
abruptio placentea |
placenta |
costalgia |
hyperglycemia |
Example of
word |
Example of
word |
ad - |
adduction |
hem ▪ o
or hemat▪ o |
Hemisphere |
inter - |
interstate |
pseud ▪ o |
pseudotumor |
supra - |
superior |
angi ▪ o |
angicatheter |
infra - or infer - |
inferior |
anti - |
antiemetic |
retro - |
retropay |
mono - |
monotone |
sub - |
subdermis |
pneum ▪ o |
pneumothorax |
ex - |
extension |
cyt ▪ o |
cytoplasm |
post - |
posterior |
thorac ▪
o |
par ▪ a |
paramedic |
py ▪ o |
pyorrhea |
later ▪ o |
lateral |
chol ▪ e |
cholecystitis |
ventr ▪ o |
ventral |
▪ o or op |
ophthalmology |
medi ▪ o |
medium |
thromb ▪
o |
thrombosis |
pre - |
prehistoric |
carcin ▪
o |
carcinoma |
dors ▪ o |
dorsal |
pleg ▪ a |
quadriplegic |
anter ▪ o |
anterior |
lith ▪ o |
lithotripsy |
intra - |
intrathroaxic |
dipl ▪ o |
diplopia |
circum - |
circumflex |
- osis |
leukocytosis or TB |
poster ▪ o |
posterior |
mal - |
grandmal seizure |
cephal ▪ o (medic class) |
cephalic |
trophy ▪
o |
atrophy |
caud ▪ o (medic class) |
caudal |
- oid |
android |
cor ▪ e |
cornea |
chlor ▪ o |
leuk ▪ o |
erythr ▪ o |
melan ▪ o or mel |
cyan ▪ o |
xanth ▪ o |